F.IT Women in IT

We bring more women into IT companies located in Bremen.

The special feature of our project: We do not require the women we bring into contact with suitable companies to have an academic degree or university entrance qualification. Quite the opposite: we enable all women to find a suitable access into IT sector, for example long-term unemployed women, women with a migration background, and women who want to change the sphere of their occupation.

The project is good for everyone involved!

Our F.IT-brochure as an ePaper!

At the end of the project, we produced a comprehensive brochure entitled "Lateral entry please!" with research results, recommendations for action and statements from the IT industry summarized on around 50 pages.

News from the project

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The F.IT project is supported by the Senator for Labour, Social Affairs, Youth and Integration from the funds of the state and the European Social Fund Plus.